Monday, November 5, 2007


You may find that learning to digitize embroidery patterns with an embroidery digitizing program is an exciting challenge. You may even realize that you have a knack for getting the patterns to turn out very well.<br /><br />If you are looking for extra income, you have a couple of choices when you own both an embroidery digitizing program and an embroidery machine. You can embroider patterns on bags and other items to sell them either online or at craft shows, or you can offer embroidery digitizing services.

If you have a knack for digitizing embroidery patterns, you might want to look into starting your own embroidery digitizing business. Keep in mind, starting a business is difficult, and may require quite a bit of money at the outset especially for advertising, but in the long run all of your advertising will pay off with people coming to you with their embroidery digitizing projects.

Deciding how to price your services for a crafting business can be tricky. You could go online and compare competitor prices for digitizing an embroidery pattern. Or you could figure out how long it takes to do a pattern based on the number of stitches you need to program. Once you have that figured out, decide what would be an acceptable hourly wage if that was all you were doing, then divide that hourly wage by how long it takes you to digitize an embroidery pattern for each number of stitches. For example, say you decide that you want to make $10 an hour. It takes you about 20 minutes to digitize an embroidery pattern that is approximately 1,000 stitches. To do an hour of work, you'd have to digitize 3 patterns at approximately 1,000 stitches each. If you charged $3.50 for each pattern you digitized that was approximately 1,000 stitches, you would earn slightly more than $10 for an hour's worth of work.

Online, most companies that specialize in digitizing embroidery patterns split up their charges by how many thousands of stitches the pattern comprises. Once you have your approximate charge figured out, go online and see where your proposed charge compares with the charges for the companies you will be competing with. You may decide that you want to adjust your prices once you do some looking at competitor's prices.
Once you settle on a price to charge for digitizing embroidery patterns, the next step will be to decide on advertising. If you want to focus only on local business, you can get some business cards printed up for a minimal fee at an office supply store, or you can check with your local newspaper to see what they charge for a small ad in the classified section of the paper. If you are going to advertise online, you will need to look into the cost of registering a domain and paying to have a website designed. Either way, you will need to advertise to start your business.

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